Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Pregnancy Update #19: 5 Days Overdue

You would think by the 10th pregnancy that labor would happen early or at least by my due date, right? I wish. Here's my notes for each day since my last pregnancy update (read that one here). 

Friday was quiet in the pre-labor department. My body probably had 10 contractions spread out over the entire day. I'm halfway glad, since 8 kids are still sick and Miss Rebekah doesn't need to be exposed to all their germs. I'm hoping that my body is fighting off the illness and giving her some antibodies. 

Saturday's pregnancy notes include swollen hands, feet, and ankles from water retention. I'm achy with occasional contractions but nothing noteworthy.

Sunday really had nothing to report either. Contractions in the evening and a baby happily active and still in the womb.

Monday was likewise easy and uneventful, other than a dentist appointment where I found out my recent tooth pain is from a dying root. Scheduled an extraction for the tooth for tomorrow morning.

Tuesday - that's today! I started my day having a tooth pulled. Being pregnant the pain relief options are pretty limited to Tylenol right now.

I had a pregnancy checkup in the afternoon. First was a nonstress test (looks good), an ultrasound to check fluid levels (looks good, baby is looking to be around 8lb 14oz but ultrasound is easily off by a pound either way), and a checkup. I'm still gaining weight (228lbs). I'm now dilated to 3cm. Basically, everything looks great with baby and we're still waiting for her arrival.

I go back to see the doctor in 3 days (on Friday) and repeat the nonstress test and checkup. 

1 comment:

  1. Aaaargh! Come on, Miss Rebekah!! You don't know what you're missing by hiding out from your wonderful family. :)

    You are in my prayers every single day, Tristan!!!!


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