Thursday, January 25, 2018

Pregnancy Update #18: 40 Weeks - Today's My Due Date

Friday I was 39 weeks 1 day pregnant. I had my checkup the day before, which I shared about here. After that appointment I was expecting lots of contractions like the prior week. Nope. My body is not predictable. Just achy, with few contractions. It feels like Rebekah is really low in my pelvis because I'm everything hurts - it hurts to walk (or sit, or stand), and I'm in the bathroom a lot. It's not fun but it is just part of the process!

Saturday followed the same pattern, no regular contractions. It feels like little girl has settled in for a long winter's nap, stretching and kicking and not in any hurry to come out. My hormones are all over the place again though. I'm crying over books as I read.

Sunday was also quiet.

Monday night I had regular, uncomfortable contractions for 6 hours. I was also up 8 or 9 times with a sick Tobias so I had plenty of time to notice the contractions.

By Tuesday morning contractions were gone until about an hour before dinner. Then they were back to regular and uncomfortable, ranging from 2-4 minutes apart. I've officially decided that unless my water breaks I'm not in labor and there is no need to go to the hospital. My doctor will probably laugh at me when I tell him that in 2 days on my due date. And remind me to have some baby blankets in the car in case I deliver on the way.

Wednesday I had back labor with the contractions through dinner. Then things settled down again. Nothing to get excited over, just preparation for baby.

Today is Thursday. I am officially due with this baby today. I headed to the obstetrician for a checkup. Everything looks great. I'm going to be pregnant forever, but that is always how I feel at this stage. I've not really changed dilation much, about 2.5cm instead of 2cm. I weigh 226 lbs and a fair amount of that is water retention (oh my poor ankles and fingers!). We talked about where we go from here, induction possibilities, etc. Basically, I now go in every couple days (starts next Tuesday, so 5 days) and have 3 things happen:
  1. Non Stress Test - They hook me up to monitors and see how baby girl is moving and how her heart rate is over a period of time.
  2. Ultrasound - This is to measure the fluid around baby to monitor it and make sure there is still plenty. 
  3. A check up with a doctor. 
We're trying to let my body do as much of the preparing for labor process as it will before we induce. At the same time we have to balance that with making sure my body is still a healthy, safe place for Rebekah to grow, that she is doing well. 

I am so ready for her to be in my arms. 


  1. Hope your wait is almost over!
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Those last days are so hard, the wondering "is it today". Praying you go into labor naturally without need for induction.

  3. I hope you're in real labor right now!!!!

    But, oh, how I remember that feeling of fear of being pregnant forever. You have my undying sympathy over that.


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