Friday, February 2, 2018

Pregnancy Update #20 - Still Pregnant 41 weeks 1 day

Today's pregnancy picture - 41 wks 1 day pregnant.
I'm seeing my doctor more often now that we've passed my due date, so these updates will pop up more often.

Wednesday was a normal, quiet pregnancy day. Baby girl has settled in for a long winter's nap. I'm just enjoying feeling her move and waiting to hold her.

Thursday contractions started at 5:30am. I lost my mucous plug (TMI? What did you expect? This post is about pregnancy!) and had steady contractions every 3-4 minutes for 7 hours. Then nothing for several hours. Then irregular contractions after dinner. Then 2 hours of painful contractions before bed. It is just practice. I simply won't believe it is labor unless my water breaks, since my body is so unpredictable.

Friday was doctor day! I had another non stress test to see how active baby Rebekah is and how her heart rate responds to her activity.

Monitors strapped to my belly. Rebekah's butt is sticking up
in this shot so my belly looks a bit pointed.
I got some pictures during the test for fun.

The printout of the monitors.
Then I had a check with my doctor. I'm dilated to 4 cm, which is 1 cm more than I was at my appointment 3 days ago. We talked about induction and went ahead and got on the hospital's schedule for next Tuesday. Hopefully I'll deliver before then, but if not then we're going to encourage this baby girl to come on out. I would be 41 weeks 5 days pregnant then.

This pregnancy is almost at an end. I can't believe we're here!


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! I'm dying here!!! How can you be so patient?? You're amazing!

  2. The end is in sight. Everyone must be so excited. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    blessings, Dawn


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