Thursday, January 11, 2018

Pregnancy Update #16 - 38 weeks

I started this week last Thursday at 37 weeks pregnant. Contractions had become sporadic, mild visitors. Then on Monday evening right after dinner I had strong, regular contractions for several hours. Solid practice - yay! On Tuesday evening about 15 minutes after dinner it happened again, strong, regular contractions for a couple hours. Wednesday the same. Yay! I love that my body is slowly working toward delivery day.

Today I am 38 weeks pregnant. I had my weekly check up and I'm at 224.4 lbs (24 lbs gained this pregnancy), measuring 40 weeks. Baby Rebekah's heart rate is great. She is still head down and has engaged a good bit (aka - it hurts to walk since she's so low but I can breath easier). I've gone from 1cm dilated last week to 2cm dilated this week, which is progress. That makes me happy. My doctor stripped my membranes (TMI? What did you expect, this is a pregnancy post?!) and says he gives me a 75% chance of going into labor before my appointment next Thursday. I laughed at him and said I expect to still be pregnant on February 1st (a week past my due date), but I'm more than happy to have this baby soon. My doctor did say I get bonus points if I have this baby during the day time and not during this weekend's projected snowstorm. Ha!

I'm having all sorts of contractions post-membrane stripping and just trying to make the most of it. I came home and did laundry party (sorted several loads of laundry and called the kids to put it all away. I need to peek at my hospital bag and see what else I want to add. And I really should bring the infant carseat down from the attic soon. Squee! I can't believe we'll fill up the last seat in our 12 passenger van soon!

That's all the update for this week!


  1. Wow! This is such an exciting time!
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. You're going to have a baby, soon!!!!!! :) :) :)

  3. Have you ever had your membranes stripped before?

    1. Yes, I have. It usually helps me dilate further but doesn't generally put me into labor. My body is really resistant to "fun fact: I have had Pitocin in every labor except Mason's planned C-section. Even if I walk in with broken water and dilated to 6 cm or more. Ugh. I've also never had an epidural (just a spinal block for the C-section). Labor is an accurate descriptions... lots of work but totally worth it to welcome another baby!


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