Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rebekah Joy at 2 Weeks Old

Rebekah is 2 weeks old today! I thought I would share a peek into her newborn personality and preferences because every baby is different.

Rebekah's routine so far goes something like this:

  • Mornings: Sleep, wake up to eat 3 ounces, be awake for an hour or two, then sleep some more, repeat. 
  • Afternoons: Pretty much the same. Sleep, wake and eat, then sleep some more, repeat. 
  • Evenings: Wake up, eat, stay awake calmly for a while, then fuss, need held/walked/distracted from her grumping until she finally sleeps again a few hours later. This time period usually runs until about midnight. 
  • Nights: She sleeps well for a newborn, gloriously well. She sleeps 4-5 hours and wakes up sometime between 4am-5am. Then she eats and is awake about an hour, before going back to sleep for several hours, waking up after her siblings have already started their day.
I know her routine is a fluid thing that is going to keep changing as she grows. It helps that she is my 10th newborn. I'm not stressed out by the grumpy times, I don't panic when she sleeps a longer stretch than a newborn 'should' according to the books, and I make time at least once during the day to nap when she does. I know you can't spoil a baby and so she's held as much as she wants by willing arms, either mine, daddy's, or a sibling's.

Today my husband went back to work after two weeks home with us. It was wonderful to have him home for so long! Now I am outnumbered 10 kids to 1 mom. I've got a great bunch of children and we've got solid routines to keep the house running, so we'll do just fine. Lunch is ready, dinner is going in the crock pot, and I'm off to check diapers and fill cups with milk to go with our muffins.


  1. Yeah for night sleeping. I am glad the current routine is working so well.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Here's wishing you joyful days and continued 4-5 hour sleeps! What a blessing!


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