Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pregnancy Update #13 - Weekly Check Ups Begin

Today I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I will have my last iron infusion by IV this afternoon. I'm feeling pretty good compared to how I was, less exhausted.

I had a check up this morning with my obstetrician. I'm waiting to hear a couple results but things looked good during the visit. My blood pressure is holding steady at a bit higher than my normal but well within the normal range (mine tends to be low). I'm not sure how my protein level in the urine sample was yet. I'm weighing 222.8lbs, so almost 23 lbs gained this pregnancy. While this is equal to my highest weight ever during pregnancy (222 lbs) it is a lot less weight than I usually gain. Usually I gain 50-55 lbs. It will be interesting to see what my body does after delivery in the weight department.

Rebekah is still breech so we decided to add an appointment next week for my Group B Strep test instead of waiting another week. Why? Because at my 37 week appointment we'll do an ultrasound to see if Rebekah has turned head down. If she hasn't we will go to the hospital and attempt an external version to turn her. They want to know Group B Strep results before that just in case I end up in labor.

We also discussed the possibility that after a version baby could turn head up again before delivery. If so, we could do another external version but it would be followed by an induction at the same time. Or we could do a C-section. There are risks to all options of course, so we're praying to avoid it all and just have this sweet girl flip on her own.

I can't believe it is almost time to meet Rebekah Joy!

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