Friday, October 5, 2018

2018-2019 Homeschool Week 8

Monday one child had a meltdown (not even over school work) that lasted over an hour. It is just a fact of life in a large family that not everyone is going to be in a good mood every day. Despite that, school work went on cheerfully for most everyone. Daddy taught or guided some lessons for the younger boys, while Mommy guided the rest. In the afternoon I had an endocrinology appointment.

Our Family Home Evening was called General Conference Guesses. Basically, I created a single page printable with questions and we talked about how we would answer those questions from last April's General Conference. Then we turned everyone loose to make their guesses for the General Conference happening this weekend. Everyone will be watching all the sessions of conference to see if any of their predictions were correct. Here are the questions, in case anyone is curious:
  • What color robes will the choir wear?
  • What songs will be sung?
  • How many talks will there be in the entire conference?
  • Will they announce new temples? If so, where?
  • What topics will be spoken about?
  • What will be some themes repeated across several talks?
  • What news or changes will be announced?
  • What people from the scriptures will be mentioned?
  • What scripture stories will be told?
  • What scriptures will be quoted or mentioned?
Tuesday kicked off with Tobias wandering downstairs in the morning with dried throw up on his cheek and shirt. Upon investigation it was also on his pillow, sheet, and blanket. Apparently he didn't care or didn't notice that he'd thrown up in the middle of the night. Ick. I spent the morning doing extra laundry and he spent the day laying on the couch watching cartoons. He also took a 4 hour nap.

Around that regular life went forward. We elected to cancel piano lessons to keep germs to ourselves and proceeded with a relaxed morning of learning. One of my favorite things about homeschooling is that I have intimate knowledge of each child's learning journey. I know what they are enthusiastic or curious about. I know where they struggle or when we need to approach something in a new way. I get to see the big and little moments.

Wednesday Tobias's fever had broken (yay) and two children were coughing and one had a sore throat. Apparently everyone is going to get in on these germs this week. We listened to Wonder (last week we decided to wait to finish once we realized illness was pushing book club back a couple weeks). There was a chemistry experiment with Makayla, fun reading lessons with younger kids, math, writing, and more. History today was about William the Conqueror. We learned about him and then compared his rule to the rule of King Alfred the Great.

Thursday it was almost comical. The prior day's sick kids were still sick and another one joined for sure and a second was a maybe (slowing down and laying around by mid-day, but no fever yet.) I'm trying to keep track, and so far the only ones who have not had at least a fever are Joseph, Mason, and Rebekah. We did a morning of school, listened to Wonder at lunch, and a bit more school in the afternoon. I also put a call in to the surgeon's office because one of Mason's incisions is looking pink and angry with some discharge. For now we are monitoring it and watching for any stitches to come to the surface. I've been instructed to pull any stitches that do.

Friday is here. School work was completed, mostly. We just didn't get to history today. Everyone has been fed. Looking back over the week it has been exhausting with the sickness trickling through. I've not gotten enough sleep because naps have happened at weird times for a few little ones and then they are up until nearly midnight. I'm not a night owl so it's rough. Rebekah has also been waking up some time between 3:30am and 4:30am every day. By the time I get her back to sleep it is nearly time for me to get moving for the day. This is just real life as a mom of many. If it isn't illness messing up sleep schedules or babies with their own unusual waking habits then it is teens who get home late and then are ready to talk to mom and dad. I'm blessed, thoroughly, wonderfully, exhaustingly blessed! 


  1. So sorry illness is running through. I think you all do the most remarkable job of keeping life pleasant and flowing. I hope you get a nap this weekend. You sure deserve one.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Blargh! Good for you for finding the sunshine, but if I could bring dinner to you and give you a nap, I would.

    And I agree that having kids across a wide age spread does force you to burn the candle at both ends. I don't have any nursing babies any more, but I do have a preschooler that sleeps poorly, and between talkative teens and a wandering preschooler, something is going on in our home pretty much 24 hours a day.

    I'd love to see how your questions and answers turned out. :) Maybe you can give us all a report when conference is finished.

    I wish you all good health in the week to come!


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