Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The One with a Long Drive

Christmas Light Show at the Zoo

Notes? Who needs notes?

Oh, that's right, I do, and I didn't take any last week. The things I remember are lots of cleaning, laundry, school, and runny noses. We had piano lessons and youth activities. Joseph got his braces off on Thursday - and was thrilled to eat an apple without having to slice it first. Caleb officially turned 9 this week (his party happened earlier this month). We built new shelving and a chair, then realized the chair, and the other 3 like it, will need the legs cut down so they fit our needs (tall enough to forego booster seats at the table and still be a good height for doing school work and writing for my younger learners, but short enough kids legs actually fit under the table). That project is being done this week. We played board games and watched 101 Dalmatians.

I also spent a ridiculous amount of time on the phone this week with various doctors and specialists setting appointments, getting test results, and so on. It's just a fact of large family life with medical needs thrown in.

I forgot to hit publish on this tiny post last Friday because I was too excited for Saturday. My mom and I loaded up in the car and drove 14 hours round trip to Virginia and back. It was rainy and long, but worth it, because I got to hug Makayla and bring her home for Thanksgiving week.

Picture during our Zoo day. 
Yes, someone always makes a
face or closes their eyes.
We just roll with it.

Since then it has been family time, doctor appointments, a trip to the zoo to see animals and their Christmas lights and music shows, and playing games together. We've got Thanksgiving on the horizon and then we will decorate our Christmas tree as a family on Friday before making the 14 hour round trip drive again on Saturday to take Makayla back to college.


  1. So glad your daughter was able to come home for Thanksgiving week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! How fun to get to have your Makayla home! Our Pixie went to CA to be with extended family, but we're down to less than a month before we get her home again. I wish you all much joy!

  3. Looks like a great week! So glad Makayla got to come home for the holiday. You should have her do a guest post about acclimating to college away from home (please).


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